
Carla Montenegro

Montenegro family in front of christmas tree smiling

Programs Director

Major Responsibilities:

Oversee legal and financial transactions of Proyecto Fe Guatemala.
Oversee the following programs:

  • GU-100
  • GU-200
  • Media and Communications

I was born in Guatemala City. I went to church since early age and gave my life to Jesus at age 8. At 9 years old I knew from the Lord I had a call to missions. I grew up reading about missionaries traveling overseas and started serving in church from an early age. I was trained in ministry and preaching since youth by my parents with whom I traveled all around Guatemala, to the US and Canada doing ministry. After High School, I went to Bible School, then studied Translation and Interpretation. In my twenties, I served as an interim youth pastor in a church in Waynesboro, Virginia.  Upon my return, I enrolled at the School of Theology where I met my husband, Bernardo. We were introduced to each other by a mutual friend.

While at college, we developed a friendship that later evolved into a dating relationship and engagement. Shortly after the engagement, we received a call to serve in Spain planting a church, which was an answer from the Lord to our prayers for a whole year up until then. We had been praying for an opportunity to serve Him in missions. A couple of months after our beautiful wedding in November 2004, we moved to Colombia for missions
training. Then, we lived in Singapore for 6 months where we were further trained at the Asian Training Center for Evangelism and Missions. In September 2005, we arrived in Barcelona, where we celebrated our first wedding anniversary a couple of months later.

While in Barcelona, my husband serve as the pastor and I was in charge of the administration side of the church and the kids Sunday School program. Our three sons were born in the mission field. Daniel in 2007, Joaquín in 2009, and Roberto in 2011. We lived in Singapore once again for a short while when Daniel and Joaquin were toddlers as part of Bernardo’s pastoral training.

After the church was officially signed and established as a church in Spain, a process that takes several years, the Lord started directing us to move back to Guatemala. In June 2014, almost 10 years after leaving Guatemala, we moved back.

For a few years since we came back to Guatemala in 2014, we worn many hats, working secular jobs and serving at our church, but the longing and desire to go back to ministry full time is engraved in our hearts. It is what we do. It is our calling. We started praying, asking the Lord for direction about going onto the mission field again, initially thinking the Lord was going to send us back to Europe. But the Lord had other plans in store and Proyecto Fe called offering Bernardo, and later, both of us, an opportunity to serve with them.

A month later, in November 2018, we were all packed up and moving to San Pedro La Laguna. For 5 years we worked together in San Pedro, serving the community and in the different programs Proyecto Fe runs. It has been a blessing to be in San Pedro. Our boys have grown so much since we arrived, as they are also growing to understand God’s purpose in our lives.

As of 2024, I have been assigned as the Program Director for Proyecto Fe Guatemala. I am grateful for the opportunity of being part of God’s plan for the organization and the growth it can continue having as we continue ministering to those in spiritual and financial need. Our family loves Proyecto Fe, we have been so blessed by the multiple friendships in Anchorage and San Pedro that we have developed through the years.