Christmas Stories
There are no words to express what it means for us to be able to direct the donations received through your generosity to those God has placed in our paths to help. Thank you very much for everything you have done, and to God for the ways He opens up doors and touches hearts to bring this big family together by His mercy. We, that is, Angelica, Armando, Carlos and Luz Elena, are a group of friends looking to serve The Lord in ways that we feel we are called to. We have our ears open to listen to the needs out there and the will to do what our heart is led to. Our prayers are for God to open our ears and to soften our hearts to follow His voice.
By Angélica
Being in the group Amigos por Jesús (friends for Jesus) has been a nice experience. Getting to know some of the needs of the people more closely is an opportunity to share the love of God.
Rosalía’s family has a lot of needs specially because of Rosalia’s cerebral palsy condition, but they are a very united family. Aunts and uncles help Rosaura, the mother, to take care of her. Through Amigos por Jesús we have been able to help her with medications for her seizures, we also provided some materials for sowing and weaving so they can sell the guipiles. We also bought some chickens and chicken food so they can increase their income. I have noticed that the family is very humbled and thankful, and they are trusting The Lord for the daily provision. It has been a real blessing to be able to help this family.
Francisco and Celestina are a couple that I admire very much. Celestina has a severe case of Rheumatoid Arthritis that does not allow her to walk, so her husband carries her around everywhere, even in his old age. He takes care of all her needs, takes care of the house and he works to bring food on the plate. We have been able to help them with cloths for sowing, threads, needles and fishing equipment so he will have an extra income.
By Carlos
I remember when Domingo joined the group and we went to his house and saw the frustration and loneliness on his face. He had just got out of the hospital after having a leg amputated because of a car accident. He did not have any family and was renting a room without energy or windows. I visited him frequently to get to know his needs and we were able to improve his room, protecting him from cold and rain, he now has power and a stove. His spirit has been lifted, he is very thankful with God and he feels supported by his new friends in Jesus.
By Luz Elena
My personal friends are The Mesias Family composed by two hard working ladies, Maria, the mother, and Maria Angelica, the daughter-in-law, and their kids, Angelica, Miguel, Reyes, Nicolasa, Juana, Juan, Catarina. They sell little tamales at the park but their income is very minimal.
Through Amigos por Jesus, the kids received school supplies, backpacks and tennis shoes at the beginning of the year. They also received a ton of corn for their tamales, grocery baskets during the quarantine, a water filter with water bottles for each; Maria was helped with some dental work. The family appreciates all the donations that helped them to get through this pandemic time.
There is also Lencho, a blind elderly man that sits every day close to the municipality begging for some coins. He normally gets just enough to eat that day by the grace of God. This year he received a radio in which he daily listens to Christian podcasts and music, he got a new cane, a pair of new boots, a sweater, several months’ worth of food. In September he was told that he had to move out of the little room he was renting for Q100 since the owner is going to build in the same lot. In coordination with a nephew who donated the space, we were able to donate for the construction materials to build a new room for him. The room is almost done, and he is very excited to have his own space until he is ready to meet his Savior.
Amigos por Jesus also had a COVID relief soupkitchen attending more than 300 people in need, and helped 25 families with food baskets. We were also present when the natural disaster in San Juan happened killing a family and destroying a complete neighborhood. We were able to help some of the displaced families with groceries until they were able to return to their homes. We supplied water filters to the families with little kids.
Last but not least, we celebrated Christmas with all our friends in a nice hotel, with a special meal, with presents for the 50 people in the list, and a Christmas Basket for each family. We were able to share with them the joy of our Savior’s birth and the blessings we received from Him this year. Thanks to your donations we were able to help 8 families this year. If you feel touched by any of these stories and want to donate for the new adopted families for next year you can do so at, AMIGOS POR JESUS.
Thank you for bringing hope to this families, a sense of hope to be carried throughout this Holiday season and the year to come.
Merry Christmas!