February Team – Awaken Church – Update #6
Day #6
Another frustrating day for me today. I am still trying to fix computer issues for Pam. I also spent time working on a broken bell that she told us about the first day.
The internet was completely down again this morning. The wire I thought was damaged by the door turned out to be the door bell wire, the one I thought Pam wanted fixed. I advised them to call the internet provider and tell them they must come fix the problem as it is an issue coming into the building.
I tried 3 different computers to put the time clock on. It has to be an older computer because of the connector on the clock device, but it can’t be too old or the software will not load. I have not yet found a new enough old computer for that.
While I was waiting for software to load on one of the old computers, I had time to go work on the bell wire at the front door. I repaired it and moved it so it would not get hit as often, I could not get it all the way safe. I went back to the computer only to find after a partial load, it failed and could go no further. This process happened with each I tried.
In the mean time, Jorge asked if I would help gather children from classes, 4 at a time, for photos. That was a fun chore.
I told Pam I fixed the bell only to find out that it was a class dismissal bell on level two that was broken! At least the door bell is repaired. I worked quite a while adjusting the correct bell. Each time I got it to work, it would ring a few times then stop. Finally I got it to work several times in a row and showed Pam. It did not work, ARRG. She then gave me a new bell, which I knew she had but I wanted to save it. I only got that partially taken care of before the main event of the evening.
At 3:00 several of the team left to go start cooking at the soup kitchen. At 4:00 others went to start setting up for people to come eat. A little after 5:00 two groups went to collect people to come to the meal. I went with Pam and Nikki and Tristan. I thought I had seen poor areas of town but was really surprised to see the conditions some of the people were living in. Many had to be almost begged to come. Pam said they were embarrassed. Most accepted our offer. On our first trip we got so many at one location we had no room in the truck for the 3 of us. We waited there and Pam was to come right back. She took a very long time because she kept filling the truck up.
By the time I got back to the church the first time, people were ready to leave. The team said it standing room only, they had to put tables out in the hall. A roaring success. We loaded people back into the truck and I went with Pam to return them to their homes. We made two trips with the seats full and the bed of the truck full. Everyone was happy and laughing. We received sincere thanks and many kisses. I hate to say it was fun but can not think of a better word. I guess fulfilling would be one. But it was fun. I laughed and conversed with many people on our trips to and from the church. They could barely understand me and I would say me barely understanding them would be an over statement. But we communicated. Tied with the home visits as best part of the trip so far. On the way back to the hotel all the team members seemed to have had similar reactions. Wonderful night.