Hearts full of joy
With the heart full of warm experiences after the annual auction, feeling the love and care of our supporters, we are back into the normal activities, with the purpose of sharing God’s love and care to our dear Guatemalan people.
Clinic is going well, a little slow because of the multiple end of the year celebrations and holidays.
With the comfort of the funds received for “Adopt a patient” program, we have already helped some patients who would have not been able to get some lab work otherwise. It is a chain of blessings always appreciated for those in need.
This month we went to two villages called Chawital and Alejandria. This communities are in a great need of medical service and God blessed us with beautiful experiences. We visited Pablito, the kid with the leg tumor who had the surgery. His family gave us so much of their produce in appreciation for the help received during this process. What a blessing!! The evangelization team also found the kids very receptive to the message and enthusiastic with the activities. The Lord protected us on our trip and as always, we felt His presence with us.
“Amigos por Jesus” is closing its activities for the year. The hen houses built are in good standing, producing daily eggs and helping with the economy of the families. The ladies of the sewing workshop are preparing Christmas decorations to be sold, and happy to have learned so much this year, that will help them in the future. We will have our annual dinner with the Christmas baskets for the families that participated in the programs this year. Looking forward to a new year of serving through sustainable projects and witnessing to the people God puts in our way.
We want to honor God for the provisions this year, for the ministry that we all share, for the love that unites us, and for keeping us close to His heart in serving others.
Merry Christmas!!!
With love, Luz Elena
Medical Ministry Proyecto Fe Guatemala.