Hearts Willing to Live a New Transformation
Dear brethren,
How blessed I am to write these words to you after the year 2020, in which everything changed in our lives. We thank our Heavenly Father for His mercy bestowed upon the children, teachers, parents, and us. We also thank Him for His divine protection over each of you. God has been good and always will be. Hallelujah.
We have started this year 2021, a year full of challenges and difficulties. As a school everything has changed and it has been difficult to make decisions based on the requirements of the Ministry of Education and Ministry of Health of our country, added to the physical, moral and spiritual commitment we have as Christians in the lives of our students. Thanks to the Lord, the physical and hygiene conditions of the building are satisfactory but the challenge has been having to duplicate the rooms and provide attention to smaller groups, that is, 15 instead of 25 in each classroom, which has meant more personnel.
One of the most difficult things is to make our relationships a little more distant. Getting away from the students is sad, not seeing their beautiful smiles due to the use of masks is discouraging but even so, the bustle remains, the joy they impart still exists and above all, the hope that soon all this will end prevails.
Now we feel that the possibility of you visiting us again is closer but we understand that this situation has also been difficult for you. It is as if something inside us yearns to see you like a soul thirsty for water. You definitely are a part of us. We love you and look forward to see you with all our hearts.
My heart is always grateful to each of you who have not stopped praying and supporting us financially. Without the help of God and of you, this project would have closed. May He bless you greatly.
I also want to share with you that since last year we had decided that we would continue in 2020 with the annual theme of 2019 only with a modification. The theme for 2020 and due to the circumstances for this 2021 is also: “LIVING A TRUE TRANSFORMATION” and the motto verse is: ” Even children are known by the way they act, whether their conduct is pure, and whether it is right..” Proverbs 20:11
This decision was due to the fact that during 2020 we could barely cover the extent of this commitment, also because we believe that transformation is a continuous process in our lives and a fervent desire that we must have.
As children, youth and adults, we must understand that by coming to Christ in our lives, He performs a continuous transformation in us, it is not a momentary change, it is a total change of course, of values, the values of the Kingdom; a change of perspective, a change in our response to things around us. It is a process, and our spirit desires it but our flesh is weak, says the Bible, and knowing about this war between the flesh and the spirit should motivate us to always let the Holy Spirit work through us and that way we may be victorious through everything we live.
We hope in God that all of you are blessed, the members of the Board of Directors of Proyecto Fe, all the sponsors and friends among whom there are donors and buyers that every year are part of the Auction held out to bless many of the projects that Proyecto Fe has brought to life.
Thank you, brethren, for this opportunity to express what is in my heart. With much love, Ester