Medical Ministry Update
We all are very tired of hearing about COVID. So many articles with updates and information that we may know for some time now and has not changed much. The more it is said about it, the more we want to get our mind off it. And, probably, we have considered to give up, or we want to change our preventive measures to some other more convenient ones, or we want to pretend that it is not as bad as it looked in the beginning.
The fact is that it is still with us, people still die from it, we are still transmitting it in so many ways we are not even aware off, it can not be totally avoided even if we follow the rules, but even so, our social responsibility should guide our actions and keep us going without losing focus when a battle is lost.
San Pedro had its first case 4 months after the first one in the city. There were 20 deaths in August, more than a 100%-fold over the average. The increase in the number of deaths is 5% of the total of infected people, that means we are talking about over 200 positive cases. In contrast, 5 cases are the official reported number and the measures are taken based on this misinformation. Sadly, San Pedro is following the reopening protocols given by the central government when we are still on the exponential part of the curve!
The elders are dying, and the spread is worsening within the homes, where we feel comfortable taking the mask off. The denial of the disease allows hundreds of people to get together for the funerals and the disease is winning the battle without people realizing it.
There have been numerous meetings, tv/radio programs, and official reports given to the public but the fear of being judged is controlling the actions of the population and it will take a toll sooner than later.
How many times do we listen only to what we want to hear? How many times have we blamed others for our actions? How many times has our fear made us believe the lies created by our minds?
Let’s pray for a sincere heart willing to put others first, to put our trust on the conqueror over death, and to be strong while we get through this season of revelation.
God bless,
Luz Elena
Medical Ministry, Proyecto Fe.