February Team – Awaken Church – Update #1
Day #1
Minor issues coming down. With a large group you expect some. Very open first flight. Packed second flight. Almost full final leg.
Due to second leg being packed they were almost begging for people to check their carry on, promising it would come all the way. I was the only one volunteering but they ended up making Zack, Amanda, Angela and Kevin do it once at the door.
They marked theirs for Guadalajara by mistake. All theirs made it, after big confabs in Atlanta. Mine did not! Pam is working on it.
Arrived at our hotel, sorry can’t come close on the spelling of town. Got here about 1930 or so. Wonderful dinner. Everyone is tired but excited.
Breakfast at 0700 then on the boat at 0815. All totes arrived in good shape. We are happy and good to go!