June 2019 – Wellspring Team – Update #4

Good Evening.
Today was a pure work day at Colegio Bethel in San Pedro.
We started the day at 7am with Colegio Bethel High School students devotion time with Taylor giving the message.
We joined the elementary students in their song and devotion time and got lots of sweet hugs and kisses.
We joined the middle school students for their devotions, with Taylor also giving devotions. (Great word Taylor!)

In preparation for the Family Fun Festival…
We dug three foot deep post holes for game equipment in the playground and filled with cement. Great job Zach and Trevor.
We used power tools (wohoo!) to begin building some other outdoor games. You wouldn’t even know Titus was working with a broken collarbone.
We cleaned and skewered hundreds of strawberries to freeze. The kitchen is on the fourth floor, no air conditioning, heat rises.
We did many other miscellaneous tasks.

We ate great meals, including steak and veggie shish-kabobs for dinner. After dinner Emilio and Esther Batz, founders of Colegio Bethel taught us about Mayan language and culture.
Thank you for praying for Monica she is getting better. Pray for Anna, she got a little dehydrated and overheated. She’s doing better but went to bed early. We’re ALL pretty tired (yes even the boys) and are going to bed early (yes even the boys).
Pastor Pat