Train Up a Child…
Do I need to emphasize on the fact that if the next generation is not discipled, there will be no church in 20 years or so?
And by discipled I do not mean sharing with children a reference to God on occasions like Christmas or Easter only. By discipling I mean, TEACH. Sit with a child and explain to him the depths of God’s word. Of course, it will be taught at his level, but it needs to be taught.
It concerns me that the enemy is even more aware than the church of how capable a child is of understanding profound truths and is using that ability to confuse his mind, identity and future.
The Sunday School and VBS programs ran within Proyecto Fe Mountain Ministries are vital for this reason.
Children are so special to the Lord and as believers we MUST contribute to make children understand their worth based on what God says in the Bible. Because when life hits hard how will they stand firm if they do not know the Word?
As fellow believers and their older brothers and sisters in faith, we are responsible for teaching them the Word.
Every time we go to the mountains to run a kids evangelistic/discipleship program and I see the kids run from their houses to the church, through valleys, through rivers, under the rain, by foot, by bike, by tuc-tuc, my heart boasts!
“Yes! Come hear about God! He is real. He is worthy of Praise, He is the one true God and He LOVES you!”
Would you, please, join me in prayer for these precious little souls?
Thank you.
Bernardo Montenegro