Auction 2019 Update
Proyecto Fe 2019 Dinner/Auction Fundraiser
WOW! Thank you for showing up and helping to meet the need. Besides our faithful monthly contributors (who mean the world to us and are the foundation of this ministry), the Annual Auction is the main source of funding that helps keep us operational throughout the year, so thank you for helping make that happen. Thank you also to the many people that donated to the auction, helped prep and set up the auction, served at the auction, and helped with clean up. The auction would not have been such a big success without your help! We hope you enjoyed the evening and were able to talk with Pamela and Dr. Luz Elena and to meet Carla and her wonderful boys. I also want to let you know that we were also able to sponsor 15 children that evening thanks to your giving hearts. Overall, we are so blessed by our Proyecto Fe family both in Alaska and beyond and look forward to another year of serving in Guatemala with your help and prayers. A Dios Sea La Gloria. To God Be the Glory! – Kirsten
Just days before the auction, table and ticket sales were way down, no one really voiced the discouragement the numbers showed, but the feeling was there. Auction night the room was full, and the people responded to the need. God knows the needs of Proyecto Fe and once again He showed His faithfulness to us! Let us praise Him because He is great and most worthy of praise. Pam
Since the Founding of Proyecto Fe in January of 1996, I have been at the helm of this ministry and a part of every Annual Dinner/Auction Fundraiser, 22 of them to date. Without fail, I have underestimated each event and have been blessed by all of our faithful Supporters at every Fundraiser. How many times I was negative, fearing a low turnout or poor economy influences on the giving at the event. How many times I would say… “Lord, You will really have to show up this year. The economy is bad and money is tight.” And “Show up, He does!”
This year was no different. Almost to the very last minute, dinner ticket sales were dragging and out of 30+ tables, commitments were only in the teens. I won’t lie… I was worried…. “Again”. Didn’t the Lord tell us “Not to worry”? Well for me, at least, it was another of those “Yeah, Lord… But!” times. I guess I have always been a worrier and, as many times before, I needn’t have been. The Lord showed up! It was like He went out and took 200 people by the ear and said… “C’mon I need you to show up to My little party.” And did they ever. Almost all of our tables were full and the auction went well and the Bid-A-Project giving for our Missionary Support was off the charts.
Oh “ME” of little faith. Beneath my joy at the evening’s conclusion, I was embarrassed at my needless worry. The Lord always shows up. He’s never failed us and never will. Proyecto Fe is the Lord’s ministry and He loves it. He’ll always show up!
Joe LoMonaco, Founder
(After almost 25 years of leadership, Joe announced his stepping down as President of Proyecto Fe at this year’s auction, primarily due to health reasons.)