Sunday, April 2, 2017
The team was served breakfast on the fourth floor of the school.
Mr V. gave a sermon to the team after breakfast.
Following morning church, the team explored the market in San Pedro.
After lunch, the team practiced their marching routine.
At 3pm in the afternoon, parents and community members arrived at the school to witness the Guatemalan students preform the song the ACS band taught them to read. The students did extraordinary! Only a few days of practice, and they sounded wonderful.
The ACS band then preformed their marching routine Benjamin taught them.
After this, the ACS band went to the church for a service. they preformed their songs. Pastor Emilio delivered a sermon about thankfulness. During the service, the choir of ladies of the church sang a beautiful song.
The team went to El Delphin for Dinner after church. Many church members joined us for dinner.
We held devotionals in the yard of the hotel and Philip lead worship.
Emily Sobek
Do you want to see more pictures from this team, CLICK HERE!